KWIECO’s five years’ Strategic objectives
1. Increase access to legal aid services from 5,000 clients per year to 8,000 per year through legal counseling services provided by KWIECO’s Paralegals and lawyers, pro-bono litigation to 500 clients per year and court representation to 80 clients per year by KWIECO’s advocates from 2022-2026.
2. Increase legal, human and gender education awareness, Youth in leadership skills and advocacy campaigns against GBV from 900,000 people per year to 7,000,000 people per year by using different podiums, media, women, Youths and village gatherings from 2022-2026.
3. Increase access to control and ownership of resources, decision making for household improvement among women, Youths and Young Women from 60 groups to 300 enterprises development groups through KWIECO’s economic empowerment program by end of December 2025.
4. Enhance evidence-based advocacy through networking by strengthening research and publications from 2022-2026.
5. Women and Young women escaping from FGM, Sexual abuse and other forms of GBV continue to access safe home services to at least 350 clients from 2022-2026 at KWIECO’s Shelter.
6. Communities strengthened to understand climate change and to take measures and imbibe skills related to sustainable environment alternatives.
7. Increase interventions relating to child rights protection against Child abuse by establishing 100 school clubs by 2025.